Lately we have been absolutely awed by the presence here at the shop of none other than Frank Kaisler. He came wandering in with our friend Sporty Steve one day and has made us a regular stop on his rounds. The name may ring a bell and it may not, but if you have been around motorcycles for a while and read some of the fine and not so fine print in Easyriders, Hot Bike, the Horse backstreet Choppers, Street Chopper as well as Motorcycle Electrics Without Pain and other technical publications, you have no doubt seen Uncle Frank's name.
Frank has been lending his HUGE expertise to a couple of projects here in the shop including the 45 Ha-Rumph Chop Off bike as well as a rigid Shovelhead that we have been putting together. Frank is like having your own personal shop teacher around, and his knowledge of Harley Davidsons, both new and old is just out of this world. And of course his stories of 22 inch over front ends and 1974 Halloween parties is providing lots of laughs. Frank is sharpening his pencil up on several technical articles stemming from his "research" here at Four Aces. He plans to submit to Street Chopper and other tastely publications. WATCH FOR THEM!!
A big shout out and a big thanks to UNCLE FRANK.