I been trying to update my blog more often. I figured nobody cares about them, but my internet savvy friends say do it more often. So I checked out some other people's blogs to get some ideas and I came up with some depressing news. Most blogs SUCK!! Not because they are not updated, but because they are updated with crap. Seems like for the most part two kinds of bloggers exist. Those that post a bunch of random pics of the past and present but never really do anything except...well, post a bunch of random pics of past and present. The "my favorite lunch spot" legend in your own mind blogger comes to mind. "Ooooo, look at the hamburger I am having, it is the BEST hamburger on the planet and I, I, I am so cool, way cooler than you, for eating it. Don't you wish you could be me and eat this burger?" Then there are those that post a bunch of pics about all the cool shit THEY are doing. Cause they seem to be the only thing going in Po-dunksville, Nowhere where they live. "oh look at the cool bike I am building, look how IMMMMMPORTANT I AM." "I am gonna have ten bikes for sale at the Born Free show so you can buy a bike from me that sucks, but is cool cause I say it is cool. Watch for updates on MYYYYYYY bikes and how cool I am."
So anyway, I decided I might just look like the other dipshits out there if I post too much about what I, I, I, (ME ME ME) am doing. So here goes, the Wes White blog series about guys who are DOING shit, not just posting copius pics of 70s bikers and other dumb crap.
1) David Bird: David has probably been welding since before there were TiG Machines. He makes Hardtails and full frames for Triumphs and Yamahas and sidelines in freakin hotrod chassis (chassi?). He rocks and he has a bunch of jigs for the stuff he does. I been to his place, he is the real deal. He has also NEVER, and I mean NEVER had a complaint about his work or his work ethic. Legions of junior welders have come and gone (anybody remember Casey Tallon?) promising to have the next greatest hardest core hardtails for Triumphs. Well David has them, nobody else. Why send your money to a guy who is not gonna be in business in 6 weeks? Send it to David (through his retailers) and be guaranteed he is not gonna get behind and you are gonna have to ask for your money back or call him out over the internet. Dig it bitches.