That right folks, all you guys and gals who have helped out in the past can help out again. And new supporters are always welcome too. For the first time we also have BLACK Tee-Shirts for the guys and gals who wanna get them dirty. White Tees are available too. Tees are $18 plus postage. THEY ARE IN STOCK AND READY TO SHIP. So if you want, go ahead and hit me with a PAYPAL payment of $22 to include shipping and handling. PLEASE specify SIZE AND COLOR we will have SMALL through 4X. Or you can visit my Big Cartel Store, http://fouracescycle.bigcartel.com/category/t-shirts-patches-and-stuff to buy them through the store. Please add $1 for 3X and $2 for 4X shirts. All of the proceeds from these shirts go to racing my beloved 500cc Triumph at the famed Bonneville Salt Flats.